D'Sozo Camp WA 2018

Take a peak inside D'Sozo WA 2018

The third D'Sozo Camp Western Australia was a favourite for many. The week went so fast! Everyone enjoyed the awesome testimonies from the youth leaders, the inspiring Deep Bible Study, the fun life-skills classes, and best of all... time serving out in the community.

My sister & I want to get baptised next year


“D'sozo was such a blessing to me and it was my most inspiring camp so far.  I was so thankful for such a great unit, with two great counselors. They were very encouraging. It was great to meet other young people from across Australia and make some new friends. The campfires were a very great help for me personally. They really spoke to me in a powerful way. The food was delicious, thanks to my mum and her helpers. The Canvassing and Help bands were very good this year. I recommend this camp 100% for young people to grow closer to God. Me and Emily Have decided to get baptised at D'sozo Wa 2019. We feel this is what God wants us to do. And thank you eastward team for coming over and making this a great camp for all the of us."

- Caleb

My Favourite D'Sozo Camp


“D'Sozo camp was a huge blessing to me this year. I enjoyed this year the most out of the three D'Sozo camps I've been to. The inspiring testimonies shared really impacted me to always let Christ lead my life. As always by the end of camp I am wanting to grow even closer to Christ. D'Sozo has really changed my life”

- Emily

It is always exciting sharing spiritual books


“Camp was a real blessing, growing spiritually and also making friends with new people. Some highlights from this year were the exercises- growing fitter and stronger was great. Also canvassing as it is always exciting sharing spiritual books with people on the doors. Campfire was really cool learning about our counselor's personal journeys with God. I also really enjoyed unit sharing in the mornings and finding out what other people studied in the Bible.”

- Samuel


Baptism at Camp

A Special Highlight of Camp, was Bethany's Baptism.
On the final sabbath we all headed down to the beach
to witness and encourage Bethany's public committment
to serve Jesus Christ and be part of his
faithful end-time church.

Oh How I Love Jesus

Filmed at Anvil Beach, Western Australia.

He that believes and is baptized shall be saved - Mark 16:16


I met new people and learned new things.
I enjoyed showing the love of Jesus by
helping others with small gardening jobs.
I made new friends and we had fun together.
I gained more confidence in sharing with
others I didn't know. 
We learnt new disciplines and grew as Christians. 
It was a great camp. Thank-you.
- Jason

7 days worth of personal devotions and prayer. Five deep Bible study workshops on the gosepl in the sanctuary. Evening meetings on the power of conversion as shared by the youth leaders and their personal testimonies. Practical skills classes and high-intensity exercise sessions. Literature evangelism and Filming a music video.

D'Sozo Camp aims to support personal spiritual growth through all camp activities. This year we were especially blessed. Praise God for His mighty working!

Bethany, just after her baptism.

Josh and Jesse Canvassing

Praying in the community, before canvassing.

3 Comment(s)

Caleb Sawyer 5 years ago   -   June 21, 2019 at 11:26 pm

For anyone that wants to know.
Me and my sister Emily have changed our baptism to a different time. It will be at our church (in Manjimup) on the 31st of August this year in the afternoon by our Pastor, Pr Ross Craig. God bless to you all. ?

Caleb Sawyer 6 years ago   -   November 9, 2018 at 11:12 pm

Great Experience and best year ever. Amazing video and pics.
Cant wait till next year also. :)

Emily Sawyer 6 years ago   -   November 2, 2018 at 5:48 pm

Can't wait till next year!

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D'Sozo Camp WA 2018 Evening Campfire Time

Evening Campfire time at D'Sozo WA 2018

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